"Beach on the sea coast" Coastal Painting - Hand-Painted Watercolor, Reflective Seascape - 15x20 in
"Beach on the sea coast" Coastal Painting - Hand-Painted Watercolor, Reflective Seascape - 15x20 in
Owning an original piece of art like "Beach on the Sea Coast" brings a unique character to your interiors, reflecting your appreciation for art and the beauty of the natural world. Not only is it a striking addition to your own decor, but it also makes a thoughtful and impressive gift for special occasions such as housewarmings, birthdays, or anniversaries.
Watercolor painting (original) "Beach on the sea coast" with sea waves
Medium: Watercolour on Paper Saunders Waterford 300g
One-of-a-kind artwork
Size: 50 x 38 cm / 20 x 15 in
Signed on the front
Subject: seascape
A certificate of Authenticity is included
Each painting order comes with a bit of surprise inside.
Best wishes,
Eugenia Gorbacheva
Eugenia Originals
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